You may not realize just how much is involved with pulling off a successful estate sale until you are already in the thick of things. Hiring a dependable estate sale service in Lynnwood & Edmonds will ensure you never miss any important details. Here at Ginny’s Girls Estate Services, we take care of everything for you so that your event goes as smoothly as possible.
What Is An Estate Sale?
In most cases, an estate sale entails selling just about everything within a home. Because of this, there is more inventory involved than anyone can bring outside for a traditional yard sale or tag sale. Hiring a professional liquidation team is not only a smart idea for sanity’s sake, but you will also have assistance with areas that you may not have even thought of.
Here at Ginny’s Girls Estate Services, we will consider the following when helping with your event:
- Items to sell: It is important to determine what warrants a spot in the estate sale and what does not. We can do a walk-through to look at everything and provide our professional assessment.
- Never throw anything out: Even if something looks like it might be junk to you, there are usually many hidden gems that people do not realize they have.
- Timing is everything: It is best to give a window of roughly a few weeks to a month in advance to ensure everything is in order. We take the initiative to advertise all estate sales that we handle so that you can get the maximum number of buyers at the event.
There is nothing better than knowing the finer details are taken care of when you hire an estate sale service in Lynnwood & Edmonds. Call Ginny’s Girls Estate Services at (206) 466-0759 to get started!
Ginnie's does a great job at all of the sales that I've been to. Very accomodating in my opinion and always decent pricing.